Friday, November 18, 2005


The Plain Truth about Herbert W Armstrong...

...or old Herbie if you prefer. The thing is, Herbie wasn't bananas and he didn't buy Vee Dubs, he bought Rollers, now there's a clever 'apostle'.

Justifiable mocking and sarcasm apart, what is it about the conundrum that is or was Herbert W. Armstrong? I say ‘is’ because this man affected and still affects so many people's lives in such a negative way; even today! The ‘hangover’ of Armstrong’s teaching has left its mark on all of us who were ‘touched’ by his ‘teaching’. The ironic part about this ‘hangover’ is there was no merry making before the after affects, a lose, lose situation or real bum deal if you prefer. Anyone who is a rescued victim of D.M.C. (a DeMoniC - Domination, Manipulation and Control system) or a systematic mind controlling cult will tell you of the trauma involved within the healing process. In my view there are no greater wickednesses (apart from the unpardonable sin) than those of men who do evil in the name of God and Herbert W. Armstrong was such a man. Whether or not he committed those sins knowingly I do not know – only The Lord Jesus and The Father know this. All I know is; I was one of his victims and this in turn challenges me to speak out and warn those who may be thinking of joining one of the numerous splinter groups that formed out of WCG when they re-invented themselves as a demon-ination of churchanity. I level this at them today. If they still operate a centralised financial organisation, whether here or in the States, they are still a cult and no better than Rome. Please note: People who put their trust in DeMoCracy are really just conned victims of DMC. How's that then I here you say? Easy, because Satan is the god of this world - 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Excuse me; I’ve gone off at a tangent a little.

That said, and after having worked through the healing process, I then had the problem of the questions – WHY? What was it all about? Why did The Lord allow this to happen to me/us? Most of us who have survived intact (for more than a few committed suicide) will probably state quite clearly that when we were baptised we committed ourselves to The Lord and because WCG was ‘The True Church’ we felt we had ‘come home.’ Now this beggars the question; how did they make it feel like ‘home’? Easy; preach and teach The Truth; but hang on - wait a minute; Armstrong was evil wasn’t he? A con man and a charlatan? Yes, precisely, and in order to be these things he had to know some of The Truth or even a lot of The Truth in order to fool us suckers.

I am not going to get into Armstrong’s alleged crimes, evil conduct and sins as they are more than well documented elsewhere on the www. There are numerous websites out there which I would avoid like the plague if you value your Spiritual welfare. Let’s face it, one can only call HWA nasty names once, or maybe twice if you feel the need to get it off your chest. After that it all becomes a pointless exercise, counter productive and harms the name caller and no one else; especially not HWA as he is dead and can’t hear us anyway. What you will find on some of these web pages is this anger toward HWA spilling over and turned toward The Lord Jesus Christ and The Father and a mocking attitude to The Word of God, which for me is far more serious and distressing.

OK; so what was all this Truth that HWA had? Simple; he had most of it except for one monumental chasm - a black hole of evil – a total abyss of darkness – which was, NO GRACE. His organisation was Graceless – period. From the other perspective, THE LAW reigned supreme; a bunch of modern day Pharisees if ever there were. Armstrong was nothing but a Judaiser in subtle or not so subtle sheep’s clothing - a blasphemer - a Galatianist and a monotheist. (Watch out for my study on ogre gods – you can’t afford to miss it - you need to know about them, ‘cos they’re preached everywhere!!)

Now we know what he got wrong; what did he get right? If we are strict with him – not much because he plagiarised most of everything he taught from British Israel to Christian Universalism and never once giving credit to any of his sources, even the equally evil cults of the SDA's, JW's and LDS's.

Now are the two groups I've mentioned i.e. British Israel and Christian Universalism, of The Truth? Yes of course they are. How can they be The Truth? Easy, because those who believe in ogre gods disagree with these two groups. The ogre god brigades come in two categories. One category, The Trinity ogre god or a god with three eyes teaches hell fire torment and damnation and believes that Rome is the original church. The other category; the ogre god with one eye otherwise known as monotheists teach that Jesus Christ the Saviour doesn’t exist at all (Judaisers and Islamics). All very depressing, but that's religion and legalism for ya' and when it came to legalism old Herbie was king of the heap. The dung heap that is!!

If you are an ex-member of WCG or one of its splinter groups and are still a believer, please feel free to post on this platform or privately write me at:

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